Probus Club Of Forest Lake

Where Friendship, Fellowship and Fun Can Be Found


Our members enjoy the opportunities to visit different attractions in and around the Brisbane, Ipswich, Sunshine and Gold Coast areas.  There are many different and exciting attractions to be seen and enjoyed.  Travel may be by private vehicle, hire bus or using the Transit buses.  Costs are kept to a minimum for most activities in order for the majority of our members to attend.

There is no obligation to join in all activities and you may participate as you see fit to suit your interests and other commitments.

Coffee Break:

Members enjoy morning tea at a venue selected each month by the club representative.  These are well attended and the opportunity to come and go as suits is appealing to all.

Lunch Luvvies:

Often, a lunch outing will be planned.  This might be to a selected restaurant, close to public transport for members who use this facility, or  to a restaurant in a suburb or town not regularly visited.  The change of venue and location is a good way to expand our horizons and cusine tastes.

Book Club:

Do you like reading good books?  Why not come along to our Book Club meetings every fourth Wednesday of the month at the Inala Library, starting at 13:00.  New readers are always welcome and there are no commitments.  Come along to enjoy some good fellowship, friendship and reading fun while sharing a cup of coffee/tea provided by the Inala Library staff.
